Nigeria and Russia have signed a military agreement which is set to enhance the cooperation between the two countries. The agreement was signed by the defence ministers of both countries in Moscow on Monday, August 21, 2017.

The military agreement is aimed at providing a framework for the provision of technical assistance, capacity building, and training for the Nigerian Armed Forces. It will also include the supply of military equipment, arms and ammunition, as well as the exchange of intelligence and information between the two countries.

The agreement is a significant milestone in the relationship between Nigeria and Russia, and it is expected to strengthen the fight against terrorism in Nigeria, especially in the northeastern part of the country, which has been plagued by the Boko Haram insurgency.

The increase in military cooperation is a reflection of the growing strategic partnership between Nigeria and Russia. Nigeria has been seeking to diversify its military partnerships beyond the United States, which has been its traditional partner. Russia, on the other hand, has been seeking to increase its presence in Africa, and this agreement with Nigeria is seen as a major step towards achieving that goal.

The military agreement is also a reflection of the increasing importance of Africa as a strategic partner for global powers. As the continent continues to grow economically and politically, many countries are seeking to deepen their relations with Africa, especially in the areas of security and defence.

In addition to the military agreement, Nigeria and Russia have also signed several other agreements in the areas of energy and trade. These agreements are expected to boost economic cooperation between the two countries and contribute to the economic development of Nigeria.

Overall, the military agreement between Nigeria and Russia is a significant development that is set to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. It will also enhance the fight against terrorism and contribute to regional stability. With these new agreements, Nigeria is gradually diversifying its partnerships and building stronger relationships with other countries.